I choose everything

by from the album [ Thunderheart ]
1 minute read

I choose everything

I choose love over fear
I give my whole heart
To Thee

How could I not?

I adore Thee
Like a flower
Adores the sun

I choose truth
And I choose sacrifice
And I pray for the courage
To live my life
In honour

And I strive
To surrender my will
To Thee

I choose everything
I choose whatever it takes
And You love me jealously
I know that, and I want that

I choose suffering
And I’ll learn to suffer well
I choose offering
I choose to offer myself

I am Thy instrument
Take me heavenward
Take me skyward
To the citadel…

I choose everything

In these times
I read the signs
Thy mystery
Becomes defined
I cannot fail Thee
Though death assails me
Thy love commands me
And Thou demandst of me
That I choose everything

And I choose everything

I choose love over power
I devolve my estate to Thee

This I do gladly

I have all that I need
A roof, a pen
And Thee

So I choose faith
And I choose purity
And my only care
Is that I’ll fail
In my sacred task
And my vow
To surrender my will
To Thee

I choose everything
I go beyond ’no thing’
I do not seek to leave,
My heart is open to Thee

Give me poison
And I will turn it into love
Give me sorrow
And I’ll wash my bones
In Thy blood

Give me everything
Take me heavenward
Take me skyward
To the citadel…

I choose everything

Thunderheart, I choose everything